Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB API Setup

So I am looking to do 3 simple  activities here:

  1. Start up  a MongoDB instance in Azure’s Cosmos DB
  2. Populate data into that collection
  3.  Use that data in a simple application

Setting up MongoDB

So this was rather simple and easy (thanks Microsoft!). You go into  azure portal , click on resources,  search for Azure  Cosmos DB , then type in your (1) ID ,  and select(2) API (in my case I wanted mongoDB but there are 5 to choose from (SQL , Cassandra, Azure Table, Gremlin (aka graph) and of course MongoDB) . Finally you select a (3) subscription,  (4) your resource group, and a (5)location, and if you wanted to see the power of multi master you could even enable that.

I used the Azure  Data Explorer  to create my database and my first collection, but I was wondering if I could use standard MongoDB software to connect to this instance, so I looked around for available  and popular clients for mongoDb.

I downloaded NoSQLBooster after a 5 minute timebox review of software; seemed  smaller, no cost, and I could be clearer on what level of compatibility there was as it was the less common of clients.
For those going the Studio 3T path, In my search  I did find an article for using Studio 3T:

That being said  other than getting my SSL settings wrong it wasn’t to difficult, below are my 3 tabs showing the configuration within the application.

and a successful connection.

Populate Data

I found some sample data to import from   :
It was bigger and more complex and just what I needed to make this test a little more real, something I feel most articles skimp on.

I hit an issue where  I had originally setup a unique key on my collection via the Azure Data Explorer and it was  causing import problems even though the  id field in this sample data did look unique . For a quick fix, I deleted the collection and recreated  it.

I  used NoSQLBooster’s  import  from Json and proceeded to load  the file.
8 minutes later I had imported 18k rows of data.

Now keep in mind lots of little things  in the application didn’t work  right. For example,  I tried to get a statistical info that this application said it could get ,but  this version of mongo from azure didn’t support it.  Tried to do an aggregate and it mentioned I would have to enable MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline . I  enabled it, restarted and … same error. Great. Well I am not here to specifically test mongoDB  aggregate but that is a problem I don’t love.

Using the Data

I start by creating a Console app (.net Standard).

I then added  nuget packages for  mongoDB.Driver, and mongoDB.Bson.

I wanted to map directly to a object and manipulate as a POCO so I used a Json to C# Class online converter, and that seemed to work well enough.

Added those classes into my project  and let resharper break them out into files,  and I proceeded to create a simple connection class.  My goal for this code was that it could connect , and it could retrieve data.  That is my MVP for this effort. I grabbed some ideas on how to implement this quickly  from an article:

But once again even with a few months of time on it , things had changed. I had to stumble in a couple situations when it came to connecting to Cosmo DB\MongoDB and I posted it on the  MS site.

Probably the larger effort  was that while the utility tried to identify some object data types it wasn’t perfect so I had to go through the object as it was consuming the data  and correct data types. I also hit an odd issue where the “id” inside of the  FundingRound object wasn’t being mapped to its id, even though it existed.

I couldn’t figure this one out  so I used the decorator attribute of  [BsonIgnoreExtraElements]  on the FundingRound  clas and my primary class. This basically says if I can’t find somewhere to map the data to, ignore it and move on.  For more information on  deseralization, this document in MongoDB  is a good starting place.

Microproject completed.
You can download it here. Just update the app.config with your connection values.

Peace and grace in your next coding effort .



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